
Keep blog posts short to increase readability

Keep blog posts short to increase readability

One of the most valuable things you can do for your readers is keep your blog posts short. Yes, it would be lovely if people took the time to read your entirely engrossing essay delving deep into the nuance of your latest self-growth technique or productivity idea. But chances are they won’t. After all, they have 100 other emails to deal with before they knock off.

What’s short? My ideal (seldom hit) is 400 words up to around 600. Eight hundred – the length of a typical newspaper opinion piece – should be the absolute maximum.

If you’re struggling to do this, here are a few things you could try...


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    Stay regular for good blog health

    This is definitely a case of do as I say, not as I do. Or have done until now (stand by for a  new year's resolution).

    Writing a blog (or even a good old-fashioned email or print newsletter) is still a good way to keep in touch with your client base or followers. It helps remind them that you are still around and keep you 'front of mind', and it is the perfect way to reinforce the fact that you're an expert in your field – that you know what you're talking about.

    But the benefits don't end there.  

    Here are some hints for overcoming these and regularly posting to your blog.

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