
Write and publish your book in a year – Step 2: Outline

Write and publish your book in a year – Step 2: Outline

In the previous post in this series, I set you a goal of collecting as much of your ‘stuff’ as you could, in either physical or digital form, or a mixture of the two. With that done, you can move on to outlining your book.

You’ve got a pile of stuff. Now what will you write about?

The act of collecting together all that you know about ‘your’ topic can be quite daunting. Your ‘pile’ of information is probably quite a lot higher than you thought it might be. Which can create a problem. How to convey all that in the space of a couple of hundred pages?

The answer lies in understanding that your book should not aim to be a ‘tell all’. In other words, you don’t need to – indeed shouldn’t aim to – fit everything you know into this single book. This can be difficult for the first-time author to come to grips with but it is very important. 

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